Ac2E 8th Honors Writing

Ac2E 8th Honors Writing

Monday, September 18, 2017

1st Six Weeks - Week 4

We are already two weeks away from finishing the first Six Weeks!

This week there are a couple of reminders to be reminded of! There will be a Progress Report night at Peter Piper Pizza from 4-6 PM. Parents are encouraged to come and speak to teachers about their students' progress in the classroom. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts money and order forms are due this Friday! Be sure to bring those orders in! Also, on Friday you will have your first Vocabulary Quiz over the following words: unfathomable, nonchalant, vigilant, abrasive, inevitable, fathom, feeble, inconspicuous, frank, and vindicate. Study your flashcards!

Below is our week in a glance:

Monday: Pronouns Pt. 1 
Tuesday: Pronouns Pt. 2
Wednesday: Prepositions/ Prepositional Phrases
Thursday: Adjectives
Friday: Adverbs

Let's have a GREAT week! 

Monarch Butterfly Project

The due date is 
September 28, 2017

9/11/2001 Memorial Day

Below is a link to the website I used in class to go through the timeline of the events that occurred on this tragic day 16 years ago.

I will also attach the video we saw in class and other resources to gather more information about the day.

1st Six Week - Week 3

Time is flying by!

This week is a very memorable week in the history of The United States. This week is the 16th anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. We will break down the day and go through the timeline of the day. This week we will be focusing on the Part of Speech "Verbs."

Here is our week in a glance:

Monday: 9/11 Memorial 
Tuesday: Types of Verbs
Wednesday: Helping Verbs
Thursday: Linking Verbs
Friday: Nouns & Verbs Magazine Activity 

Let's have a GREAT week! 

1st Six Weeks - Week 2

Howdy Students!

This week we will start working on content! How exciting! There will be a DC meeting this Wednesday at 5:00 PM at the Paco Zarate Building, if you are interested in going please go! It's an amazing trip that you do not want to miss out on. Your University shirt money and orders are due this Friday to your homeroom teacher! Plan accordingly. Also, this Friday we will be going to the Book Fair! You are allowed to dress out of uniform if you dress western! YEE-HAW!

Here is our week in a glance:

Monday: Parts of Speech
Tuesday: Common/Proper Nouns
Wednesday: Concrete/Abstract Nouns
Thursday:Possessive Nouns
Friday: Book Fair!

Lets have a great week!