Ac2E 8th Honors Writing

Ac2E 8th Honors Writing

Monday, December 12, 2016

3rd Six Weeks - 5th Week

How fast has this semester flown by, right?! Despite this semester coming to a close, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you all are attending school each day and are staying attentive in class.

Here is a glance at our week!

Monday:  Review for 3rd Six Weeks Common Assessment
Tuesday:  Review for 3rd Six Weeks Common Assessment
Wednesday: 3rd Six Weeks Common Assessment
Thursday: (I will be absent) Assignment with Substitute
Friday: Holiday Social in Homeroom

Monday, December 5, 2016

Bilingual Essay Information!

RGV-TABE 23rd Annual
“Being Bilingual” Essay Contest


Write an essay on one of the following themes:
·     Growing Up Bilingual
·     Learning in Two Languages
·     Why I Want to Be Bilingual
·     Proud to Be Bilingual
·     The Power of Bilingualism

Each essay will be judged on the following criteria:
(1) originality
(2) content/clarity
(3) organization 
(4) grammar

Only entries that comply with the following rules will be considered.

·  LANGUAGE:  All essays must be written in the student’s second language. (English) 

·  SUBJECT: All essays must address at least one of the themes listed under “TOPICS.”

·  Format:
The essay must be handwritten neatly in ink or typed, double-spaced.

Below I will attach the video we saw in class along with other videos! 

An article about the benefits of being Bilingual


3rd Six Weeks - 4th Week


This week we will be taking our Benchmarks. The schedule is as follows:
- Monday: Algebra 1/ 8th Honors Math
- Tuesday: Reading
- Wednesday: Science
- Thursday: US History

Please get enough sleep each night in order to be mentally ready for each exam. 

Testing on Monday will be split between Algebra and 8th Honors Math. If you have 6th period Algebra, you will be testing in my room. The remainder of the week, you will be testing in your homeroom.

You all are going to do AMAZING! Trust yourself and the material you have been taught.

Testing Strategies: 

- Take you time reading the responses.
- If you are unsure of a question do not spend a lot of time on the question, you can come back to it.
- Once you have gone through the test completely, close your eyes, take a couple of breaths, and then return to your test. Give you eyes and your brain a little breathing break.
- Always stick with your first answer. Most students that change their answer typically chose the wrong answer.
- Double check your bubble sheet once you have filled out all of your responses. It's very simple to make an easy mistake.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

3rd Six Weeks Project!

Don't forget! You're project is due THIS Friday (12/2/16). 
Your ornament is worth 50% of your grade. 
Your poem is worth the other 50% of your grade. 
Your poem must be a Haiku (5/7/5) -or- a Free Verse (3 lines minimum) 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 3 - 3rd Six Weeks

Welcome Back Falcons!

I hope you all had an amazing time this Holiday Break! I'm so thrilled to have you all back in the classroom!

Here is our week in a glance:

Monday: More Comma Rules (HW)

Tuesday: Plural Spelling (HW) 

Wednesday: Compound and Complex Sentences (HW) ALSO -  Vocabulary Quiz #6

Thursday: Plural Spelling

 Friday: Being Bilingual Essay introduction. PROJECT DUE! 

Lets Make this a GREAT week!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

End of Week 2!

This week flew by VERY QUICKLY!

I am very proud of you all for having most if not all of your work turned in! You all are becoming more and more responsible as the year goes by. HOORAYY!

After our Thanksgiving Break, our learning is going to continue to grow!

Our Week after we come back from thanksgiving break will have 2 Vocabulary Quizzes, be sure you are studying your words!

I hope you all have a blessed holiday break!

Krispe Kreme Doughnut Sale!

Students have already been handed out a paper in order to sale. The money and order are due back here to Ac2E Middle School on NOVEMBER 30,2016!

This fundraiser is for our school, so let's do our best boys, girls and parents and help our school! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Harry Potter Movie Info!


Be advice that your children are bringing home a permission slip that is due tomorrow (Thurs. 11/17/2016). This permission slip is to allow students to be able to go on the trip!

Also, be reminded that the parents meeting is today at 5:00 PM at the Paco Zarate Auditorium!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Here is a video of the six types of pronouns that we've covered in class!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Parent's Meeting! (11/16/2016 @5:00 PM)

There will be a parent meeting Wednesday (11/16/2016) at the Paco Zarate Auditorium. The topic will be the introduction of Mr. Henry Cantu to the parents of our students! Please be sure to attend!

Journal Topics - Week 13



*"Don't watch the clock; do what is does,. Keep going." - Sam Levenson

*What is your favorite thanksgiving memory?

*Why do you think it's important to be yourself?

*Free Write

3rd Six Weeks: 2nd Week

It's going to be another great week here at Ac2E Middle School!

Here is our week in a glance:

Monday: Commas (There will be HW)
Tuesday: Pronouns (There will be HW)
Wednesday: Prepositions (There will be HW)
Thursday: Poetry - Sounds of Poetry (No HW)
Friday: Poetry - Sounds of Poetry (No HW)

Remember, on Friday (11/18/2016) is our Harry Potter Movie Field Trip! I'm so ecstatic to watch 'Fantastic Beasts and where to find them!'

As always, this week is very important that you are in engaged since next week is THANKSGIVING BREAK!

Let's have a great week!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Farewell Mrs. Gonzalez

It is with a bittersweet mind that I write this post. As you all now know, Mrs. Gonzalez will be leaving Ac2E Magnet Middle School. She has been offered an amazing opportunity as Director of Federal Programs for RGCCISD. With all of the love imaginable and great positive thoughts I, Mr. Marcos Vargas, wish you the best in your new Journey Mrs. Gonzalez. You have been a tremendous leader for our school, district, and community. I know I speak on behalf of all of my students when we say we will truly miss you Mrs. Gonzalez but we are so happy for you new endeavors. Best of luck!

I would also like to welcome our new Principal, Mr. Henry Cantu! With an extensive background in education for this district, athletic coaching experience, Director of the AP Program at Rio Grande City High School, and as an administrator there, Mr. Cantu is more the qualified to take this Magent middle school right where Mrs. Gonzalez left it, straight to the future of continued success. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

2nd Six Weeks - Final Grades

The 2nd Six Weeks is officially over! Wow, how fast did it fly by? Your final grade for my class will be posted BY Friday 11/4/2016. I am very proud at how much you all have grown in my class this Six Weeks! I know you never knew there was so much detail and structure to writing an essay, but it will pay off! Keep asking questions and keep working hard!

3rd Six Weeks

The 3rd Six Weeks starts on Tuesday November 8, 2016.

THERE IS NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY 11/7/2016. Image result for excited face

The end of the 2nd Six Weeks ended on a very high note. All students did very well on their common assessment! Also, as a grade we had about a 98% turn in rate on our homework. Let's shoot for a 100% this coming six weeks! Happy Homecoming to all Rattlers! 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Journal Topics - Week 11

Below you will find the Journal Topics for week 11 (10/31 - 11/4). Reminder: early turn in is on Wednesday (11/2/2016) and regular turn in is on (11/4/2016)


* What has been your most memorable/favorite Halloween?
*Free Write
* "Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines." - Robert H Schuller --> Thoughts? Reactions?
*What is your favorite book? Why?


Saturday, October 29, 2016

End of 2nd Six Weeks

Image result for excited face
It's the last week of the 2nd Six Weeks!

Wow! This Six Weeks surely has flown by! Despite it being a week shorter than normal, time surely does fly by when you're having fun! This Week is going to be a review week, similar to last week. We will cover the 2nd body paragraph, conclusion, and putting our essay together. Our Common Assessment Exam will be on Wednesday 11/2/2016. Be sure to study! As stated before there will be two stories one on editing, one on revising, vocabulary, and essay writing questions. Also, reminder REGULAR UNIFORM ON MONDAY 10/31/2016. NO HALLOWEEN SHIRT DESPITE WHAT YOUR HOME CAMPUS IS ALLOWING. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ac2E Middle School Fall Fesitval


This Friday (10/28/2016) Ac2E Middle School will be hosting our annual fall festival. Students attendance in Mandatory for school unless you have a medical excuse. After the festival students will report to their homeroom classroom for the remainder of the day. Parents, please refrain from picking up your student early on Friday, Thank You!

If you have any question please feel free to send me an email!


Mr. Vargas

Hello All!

Hello All!

First off I would like to thank all of the students here at Ac2E Middle School for making my teaching experience an amazing one. It's truly heart warming to be welcomed with such bright students and wonderful human beings.

To the parents, Hello! I know I have met some of you all and for those I haven't met yet, I cannot wait to meet with you. I believe the relationship between you the parent and me the instructor is vital for your child's success! Below this post I will attach my email for if you have ANY questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mr. Marcos Vargas
